Web Personalization with Drupal - A Strategic Guide

Today's consumer expects a tailored web experience every time they engage with your brand. In fact, 86% of consumers will pay 25% more for better personalization.

At a time when 'one-size-fits-all' strategy falls short of demand, business leaders must ask the question, does my website keep it relevant?

In our new ebook, we will explore the options for creating personalized web experiences with Drupal as the backbone for your digital strategy. 

Topics include:

5 Smart Things You Can Do With Marketing Automation

TGIF and thanks for tuning in to Episode 19 of The Mediacurrent Friday 5!

This week, we discuss 5 Smart Things You Can Do With Marketing Automation.

Get tips on using automation rules and completion actions to achieve Sales/Marketing alignment, A/B and Multivariate testing, targeted campaigns and assignment triggers, lead scoring/grading and segmentation, and using dynamic content and predictive content for personalization. 

Check out the video below to learn more!