A strong lead management process requires B2B marketing professionals to respond to each prospect within the buying process. However, as your business grows, understanding and responding relevantly to a buyer’s interest is almost impossible to do manually. To ensure that your marketing efforts are targeting customers and prospects with the right messages at the right time, integrating a marketing automation platform into your Drupal website is key. 

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation software brings together content assets such as landing pages, emails, web events, etc. and delivers them to prospects at a time when it is most relevant to them in their buying cycle.  

Knowing the "right time" is key to effectively engaging prospects with your brand. Conducting an analysis of your target audience and capturing demographic information, along with their interactions with your brand through your website and social platforms, allows you to qualify a lead and deliver it to your sales team. 

Integrating Marketing Automation Into Your Drupal Website

Every major marketing automation platform has a custom module created for easy integration into a Drupal website. How do I know? Mediacurrent developed most of them. 

  • Marketo Module:  The Marketo MA modules adds tracking capability to your Drupal website as well as the ability to capture lead data during user registration and via webform integration.
  • Eloqua Module: The Eloqua module builds webforms that directly parallel forms that are in Eloqua. Then, you can directly post them into the marketing automation system. 
  • Hubspot: The Hubspot module integrates with Webform and the HubSpot API to submit Webforms directly to HubSpot's lead management system.
  • Pardot  Module: The Pardot module adds web analytics directly onto your Drupal site. It supports general visitor tracking, path-based individual campaign tracking, and path-based lead scoring.
  • Silverpop Engage Drupal module: We developed the Silverpop Drupal Module to be as plug-and-play as possible for Silverpop customers. With minimal setup administrators can integrate key features of Silverpop Engage, including webform integration and page tracking. 

Why Install the Drupal Marketing Automation Modules

You don’t have to install a contributed module to integrate any of these services, so why do it? Many website administrators paste in the 3rd party embed or have their developers create custom modules. However here are a few good reasons to use a Drupal.org contributed module over your own custom integration:

  1. 3rd party scripts and embeds often get updated and can break your site. By having a layer of abstraction you are no longer required to maintain the 3rd party plumbing that sits behind the module. When code changes from the 3rd party, the module will get updated and the site admin only needs to update the module version to incorporate those new changes.
  2. Community support for your module.Before we started updating marketing automation modules on Drupal.org, we saw that much work was being done in silos by developers only working on 1-off custom implementations. Mediacurrent saw the value in putting our efforts towards a community-based open source solution for these marketing automation services. When you use a Drupal.org module you have the community filing bugs, submitting patches, and offering ideas for how to improve the project. This is a much better support model than relying only on in-house custom development only.
  3. Deeper Drupal integration. All of the modules we have worked on offer integration with the popular module Webform. We also have a user-friendly UI for configuring the various aspects of the marketing automation service, such as visitor tracking, which helps with lead scoring. We are still working on adding more features that integrate services even deeper into Drupal.

Help Installing Marketing Automation On Your Drupal Website

If you’re considering purchasing marketing automation and have questions about integration with your website or want to learn how Drupal is a perfect CMS for marketing automation, feel free to contact us. We’ll be glad to discuss any specific issues with your website and how we can help you address them quickly.

What else? How has integrating marketing automation helped your organization achieve greater ROI