Today's consumer expects a tailored web experience every time they engage with your brand. In fact, 86% of consumers will pay 25% more for better personalization.

At a time when 'one-size-fits-all' strategy falls short of demand, business leaders must ask the question, does my website keep it relevant?

In our new ebook, we will explore the options for creating personalized web experiences with Drupal as the backbone for your digital strategy. 

Topics include:

  • Vocab Refresh - To harness the power of first, second, and third-party audience data, it's important to grasp the key differences between these terms. Personalization and customization are two terms that are often used interchangeably but are actually very different. Here's how to talk the talk.
  • Assessing Personalization Payoff - Deepen your understanding of what's to gain - and lose - from the customer tailored the experience. 
  • Building with Drupal - Our top picks for Drupal modules to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.   
  • Planning for Personalization - From setting a content strategy to targeting your audience and defining KPIs, get a headstart on your personalization strategy with our 6-step checklist.

This ebook was inspired by the Mediacurrent presentation, Marketing Automation and Web Personalization with Drupal from Drupalcamp Atlanta.  

Download our personalization ebook. 
