Getting Started with Marketing Automation and Drupal

A strong lead management process requires B2B marketing professionals to respond to each prospect within the buying process. However, as your business grows, understanding and responding relevantly to a buyer’s interest is almost impossible to do manually. To ensure that your marketing efforts are targeting customers and prospects with the right messages at the right time, a marketing automation software is key. 

FINALLY...we are blogging!

I know you’ve heard the saying before, but cobbler’s children really do not have shoes. We’ve finally been able to work in putting up a blog section on our internal website while balancing client demands. We hope in the coming months that the Mediacurrent staff can share pertinent content, and become a trusted advisor when it comes to your web related issues. We are particularly interested in telling a bit more about who we are individually, and what we do collectively. We’re even more excited about sharing project takeaways and tips with our industry colleagues.