Today websites continue to evolve away from being a standalone brochure. They can now function as a store, a collaborative environment, a marketing/lead generation machine, and the public face of a company. With this change, the combination of tools involved in a single project has evolved as well.

  • Content Management Systems allow non-technical users to make content updates and reduce bottlenecks.
  • Hosting providers allow a company’s site traffic to grow and fluctuate without having to buy hardware they may not need all the time.
  • Monitoring tools allow site administrators to see where and how performance is being influenced by various factors and configure settings appropriately.
  • Marketing Automation tools allow a site’s visitors to engage with content relevant to them, receive updates and let the company know their interests.

At Mediacurrent, we do a lot of work with our clients in the early stages of each project. It is important to identify the strategy behind the purpose of a site, its content, and the tools required to accomplish each client’s goals. So while we plan, design and build Drupal sites, very often we bring partners in to provide complementary tools and services.

We have built a partner network with groups in the marketing automation, hosting and monitoring markets. Each group of partners is a piece of the puzzle in a successful project. 

One area where we're putting a lot of focus is Marketing Automation. We are building relationships with a number of Marketing Automation providers and developing Drupal modules to allow Drupal to integrate with each. We now maintain or co-maintain the Drupal modules for:

  • Eloqua
  • Pardot
  • Silverpop
  • Marketo
  • Hubspot
  • Optify
  • Infusionsoft
  • HitTail

As Mediacurrent grows, we are seeing our partner networks grow as well, and we’re interested to see where it leads. Our challenge right now is getting to know who’s out there in each area. Are there Marketing Automation tools that should be integrating with Drupal we’re not using yet? Are there other categories that I’ve missed entirely? 

One of the founding principles of Mediacurrent is our support of the Drupal community. We will continue to share back modules we’ve developed and integrations that others can use, and we’re interested in building on top of what others have started. Please reach out if you are interested in partnering with mediacurrent or have suggestions. Thanks!