You've made an investment into your organization's most important marketing tool - your website. But what good is an amazing site if your target audience isn't finding it? Google's algorithms have become much more advanced. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and link buying to reach the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Because 90% of people research products and services via search engines before they make a purchase, SEO is easily the most important medium to master. It also happens to be the most misunderstood and simple mistakes can result in severe penalties from Google.

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you already know how important keyword research is to the overall plan. We've updated our popular eBook to focus on the latest trends in SEO, like:

  • Building a keyword list based on your ideal customer (results in the highest ROI)
  • Best practices for testing your keywords
  • The effect of SEO on your bottom line
  • Free tools to use to monitor your SEO strategy
  • and more!

Download our SEO eBook today!

SEO Keyword Strategy eBook
