Inbound Marketing 101

You’ve built an awesome website. It’s exactly what you envisioned - beautifully designed, great functionality, and performs flawlessly. Days go by, weeks go by, and you’re still not seeing the traffic you had expected to see. Why? It’s not your site. It’s your inbound marketing strategy.

SEO Strategy and Best Practices

You've made an investment into your organization's most important marketing tool - your website. But what good is an amazing site if your target audience isn't finding it? Google's algorithms have become much more advanced. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and link buying to reach the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). 

4 Tips for Optimizing Your YouTube Videos

Eight seconds. That’s not a whole lot of time at all. But that’s the average attention span of the typical internet user (fun fact - it’s one second less than a goldfish’s). What does that mean for us marketers? We now have even less time to engage our target audience before they scroll down their timelines and forget the messages we’ve invested countless hours on crafting. Now is the time to spend time grabbing your prospective client’s attention both visually AND audibly through your YouTube channel.

Google Webmaster Tools 101

Google provides a number of different free tools to help users improve their SEO and drive more traffic to their websites. Chances are you may already be familiar with Google Analytics, Google’s popular and widely used analytics tools suite. When it comes to your SEO arsenal, however, don’t overlook Google Webmaster Tools! Google Webmaster Tools is a free, easy to use toolkit from Google that will help your website be found online.

New eBook: The Lead Generation Playbook

Often marketing's biggest challenges are long sales cycles, complex decision-making processes, and multiple stakeholders. 

Combine pressure to find the most qualified prospects with the ever increasing online competition and growing complexity from a myriad of devices, Marketers need to continually increase the effectiveness of their website. 

In a recent survey, only 1 in 10 marketers feel their lead generation campaigns are effective. 

So what goes into a best-of-class lead generation website?