Good Form: 6 Tips for a Smooth Sign-up Process

A lot of effort goes into engaging your visitors to ‘Sign-up’ or ‘Contact’ you. You send them a warm and fuzzy invitation to complete the form, tell them all the great reasons why they should complete the form… but who likes to complete a form?  Guarantee a smooth sign-up process and increase the completion rate of your webforms with these six tips. 

#1 Make it Flow

Before you begin designing that web form, it is always good to create a User Flowchart. Working to establish the form completion process from start to finish, a flowchart will help you: 

[New ebook] Your Go To Guide For Website Accessibility

At Mediacurrent, we believe that the web should be accessible to everyone. 

Our new guide is designed for content editors, marketers, developers, and key stakeholders seeking to expand their knowledge of website accessibility, learn how a holistic approach to website accessibility can strengthen an organization, and take advantage of actionable steps to improve their website.

Topics include: 

UX Design Evolution: Top UI/UX Design Trends for 2018

As we begin a fresh, brand-spanking-new year, several UX design practices and technologies stand out as the most exciting and relevant. While they are not all necessarily bleeding edge or super trendy, these considerations are becoming more and more vital to our clients and will be at the forefront in the year to come and beyond. Here’s an overview of what we’re watching, how the UX landscape is shifting, its impact on marketing and consumer experience, and what it means to you!

Annotate to Communicate

Someone once said, “if you have to explain the joke, it takes the fun out of it.” Well, the same can be said for designing a website. Explaining the important and sometimes technical details can be a tedious process many designers would avoid if possible. But when it comes to communicating the form and function of the user experience through wireframes, explaining each element can make or break the project. It’s always a good idea to include annotations.

Dynamic Email Submissions for Webforms in Drupal 8

Webforms in Drupal make for an easy way to get user submitted data.  There are a handful of ways you can organize that data.  You can even have the form submission data be sent to an email address.  In some cases, you may want to have that data be sent to a different email address based on submitted data or a custom setting.  Here we will go over one solution for getting webforms to submit submission data over email dynamically.

In this case, we'll start by setting up new webform and content type.