Are your social media posts getting lost in the shuffle? The lifespan of content rich social media posts can be lengthened by building emails around them. If buttons that redirect to Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook are the only social media incorporation your emails have, you’re wasting valuable connection opportunities. Here are five ways to take posts you’ve already spent time creating, and increase their longevity.

First, reuse old social media posts.

Find old Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter posts that are relevant to what is going on today. These usually have links to news articles or blogs that contain great content to build your email around. This also gives people the chance to see what your company deems appropriate for social media, and could increase your followers via multiple channels from one email.

Then, generate a weekly newsletter

By generating a weekly newsletter that contains social media highlights from the prior week gives your fans the ability to find a Tweet that peaks their interest, but maybe was buried on their Twitter home feed. By becoming more easily accessible, communication between your company and followers will increase. Always remember: timing is everything. People are constantly checking email at work, and this will give them the opportunity to see what has been going on in the social media world.

Next, incorporate a RSS feed.

Adding this to the body of your email will allow readers to see what is happening with your social media in real time. By doing this, someone who opens the email two days after it is sent will still be getting up to date information instead of old news. 

Make emails mobile device accessible.

Your emails need to come across in a mobile device friendly format. Stats show that 44% of email opens occur on a mobile device, so it’s more important than ever to keep your email short and to the point. Also, make sure that your content will open on the social media application on the user’s phone. This will allow for a smooth transition, and a better overall experience that will be associated with your company.

Finally, hook your subscribers.

Find a way to keep them engaged. Your content should be so engaging and informative that they anticipate the next email arriving. Sending out emails too frequently will not only drown the subscriber’s inbox, but will also make the content seem less valuable. Try having only one other weekly email in addition to the newsletter, but make sure these are timed to go out on different days. This way your can incorporate different content into each of them, and still stay relevant on their radar.

Additional Resources

How to Drive Traffic to your Website

Going Mobile with Drupal: Looking Ahead

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