Friday 5: 5 Ways to Improve your Businesses Social Media Marketing

Happy Friday everyone! I am currently in the Sprints at Drupalcon Nashville and hope you're ready for the weekend. This episode, we welcome Mallory Strange to talk to everyone about how to use Social Media properly.

If you would like to suggest a topic, or just get a hold of us, email us at
Now go get on with your weekend.

Maximizing Social Media through Email

Are your social media posts getting lost in the shuffle? The lifespan of content rich social media posts can be lengthened by building emails around them. If buttons that redirect to Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook are the only social media incorporation your emails have, you’re wasting valuable connection opportunities. Here are five ways to take posts you’ve already spent time creating, and increase their longevity.

How to Drive Traffic to your Website

Creating a website with dazzling effects is only great if someone finds it, needs it and is compelled to take the next step with your company. Here are some quick tips to get boost your traffic, so your website starts working for you. 

1. SEO: Be where your users are looking. 

I love search engine optimization because it’s an easy way to talk with the people who are already interested in what you offer or at least interested enough to do some research on it. This way you’re not working with a completely cold lead. 

15 Cool Things You Can Do With Drupal

If you’ve stumbled upon this blog, you probably already know the basics about Drupal. The sales pitch I usually hear starts with: it’s a powerful CMS, free, open source, and has a great community of developers powering it. Those statements are all true, but I like to believe that Drupal is much more than that. So I started researching, interviewing the team here at Mediacurrent, and came up with this list of 15 cool things you (probably) don’t know about Drupal - especially if you're new to the community. 

Drupal on the Bayou Recap

Drupal on the Bayou has come to a close, and it was a fun couple of days. This was the smallest Drupal event I've been to, but every dynamic has its advantages. Maybe it's my own personal perception, but I felt as if the small size made everyone much more approachable. Everything was a bit more relaxed and informal, but that made it feel that much more cozy.

I met some great folks from the New Orleans area and elsewhere and learned quite a lot. Here's my recap: