Is Drupal Right for Universities?

Selecting a CMS for a university can be a challenging decision. There are so many needs and nuances to consider - costs of implementation and maintenance, a wide range of technical ability among site administrators, developers, and content editors, a variety of end-users looking for different information...and the list goes on and on. While your answer likely isn’t as easy as, “let’s just do what everyone else is doing,” better understanding why other universities made the choice they did can shed light on your decision-making process. 

How to Get the Most out of Your SEO in Drupal 9

This post is an updated part of our Marketer's Guide to Drupal series. This guide will walk you through considerations for choosing an open source CMS, plus case studies and CMO advice to bring your site to the next level.

Supercharge SEO with Drupal

“Over the last 20 years, Drupal has grown into one of the largest enterprise content management systems in the world.” - Drupal Founder Dries Buytaert

How to Improve your Conversion Path Optimization

Optimization is a Process 

Think about conversion path optimization as the process of improving your visitors’ end to end experience with your brand with the goal of turning those visitors into customers. 

Conversion path optimization is not a formula or checklist. 

When it comes to conversion path optimization, most websites and tutorials will tell you that all you need is the right combination of the following elements: