How to Create Prominent Personas for Your Higher Education Website

What Are Personas? 

User personas are examples of the real people who engage with your website. Unlike traditional target audience segmentation, they provide greater depth and context by focusing on one character who embodies the predominant qualities of the larger group.

Developing user personas (or ideal customer profiles) and documenting the typical user flow will help you to develop a content map that corresponds to the journey of your personas--ultimately creating a better user experience overall.

Typically, persona research includes:

Manual Accessibility Testing: Why & How

If you’ve ever talked to someone who’s performed an accessibility audit you’ve heard us go on an on about the need for manual testing. Each of us loves the automated tools available that help make the web more accessible, but there are limitations to those tools: only 20-30% of errors can be reliably found with automated testing. They may generate false positives as well. When it comes to accessibility testing, you need to include the human element in the testing process.

6 Reasons for a Strategic Design Discovery

Design Discovery is the most important first step in a website redesign project as it will give the project a much greater opportunity for success. This first phase is essentially a series of questions whose answers will provide insight that facilitate the needs and goals of the primary stakeholders as well as the visitors of the website. This is the time to uncover the many variables that may be at play so we can work together to find the most appropriate solutions for the best redesign possible.

Power your Drupal 8 Project with Docksal

Hello and welcome to my first blog post for Mediacurrent! Today’s post will be all about Docksal and how it can help you get up and running developing on Drupal 8 quickly and easily. This post was inspired by the great session I saw at DrupalCon 2017 and will explain how using Docksal will save you time getting up and running for a new Drupal development project. I’ll also talk about some of the technologies behind Docksal such as Docker and Oracle VM VirtualBox.

Debugging JavaScript Live in Chrome

In the below learn how using Google Chrome's built-in DevTools I was able to debug javascript in Chrome that improved the page load time for our client.

I was recently in a situation where, in trying to optimize a site for performance reasons, I needed to track down what was generating some above-the-fold content. Specifically, this was a client's site that we had inherited as part of a Drupal support contract. On mobile-sized screens, the homepage was displaying a banner ad for the company's mobile app, which provided a download link for the app.

Theming a Webform in Drupal 7

Online forms are one of the most common methods used to gather meaningful information and connect with customers and prospects on your website. There’s always the need to add custom theming or functionality to your webforms in Drupal 7, and we’re going to cover a few different options that will equip you to bend webform to your will.

Theming options covered in this blog post:

Autocomplete Deluxe Released for D8

I am excited to announce that the D8 port of the Autocomplete Deluxe module has been released in “beta”!

What does it do?

The Autocomplete Deluxe module provides a widget that enhances the default autocomplete field in Drupal. It uses jQuery UI autocomplete and provides a slick visual element for content editors to reference terms - displaying them inline, drag-n-drop reordering, and creation of new terms from the field itself. It works out-of-the-box and no 3rd party libraries are needed.

Mediacurrent's Drupal Theme Generator

In a fast-moving industry like ours, it is imperative that we have tools that allow us to build environments (front and back-end) quickly while providing consistency. The same way we have DevOps processes for quickly spinning off a complete Drupal website built with composer, drush, Drupal console and more, we need a system that automated Drupal theme generator process which includes all the essential tools needed for a modern, best practices, and standards-compliant environment.