1. Hi Cheryl!  What's your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related? 
I’m a UI/UX Designer so I get to wear many hats, often translating between the client and the developers. From creating intuitive user interfaces to designing visual solutions, I work to ensure the final product is user friendly, follows best practices and is what the client envisioned. 

2. Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here. 
I’ve been designing and creating for as long as I can remember. My career began in print, with Hallmark Cards, and then later moved into product design which required digital marketing initiatives. When I started designing websites to market products, I found that to be more interesting (and fun). Technology is a wonderful, exciting world.

3. How did you first get involved with Drupal? 
About 5 years ago I was part of a small team that redesigned a large government website. Actually, it was the first responsive website in the judiciary. The Drupal template was very well received and has been adopted by many other states. 

4. What’s your proudest moment at Mediacurrent so far? 
Although I’m basically just getting started here, I’ve already been a part of some great projects. Currently, I’m working on a Drupal Enterprise project for a global corporation that launches soon.

5. What aspect of your role do you enjoy most? 
Creating beautiful, responsive websites with talented professionals for awesome clients.

6. Any mobile apps that you use regularly? 
I’m into social media, so Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest - and we use Slack to communicate internally since we’re a distributed company. My favorite app for fun is Roadtrippers - it takes traveling to another level. I’ve discovered many unique places I’d never have known about.

7. What do you like to do in your spare time? 
I love to learn, so I’m often taking an online class to learn something new or improve my technical skills. I also enjoy photography, live music, movies, and traveling. 

8. What do you like about Mediacurrent?
The people here are hands down the greatest group to work with. Everyone is so talented and helpful. We have a true team spirit. Mediacurrent is also doing some great things for the Drupal community.