Mediacurrent is proud to announce a new webinar that we will be delivering this Thursday, September, 10th at Noon EST titled "Best Practices and Tips on Migrating a Legacy-Based CMS to Drupal" in conjunction with Acquia. With all the excitement about Drupal 7 we are really stoked about the timing of the event! We have noticed a recurring theme with many prospects diving into new website initiatives. They see the value in Drupal, but are a bit overwhelmed with where to get started. This webinar will help address those issues, and is ideally suited for those decision-makers evaluating web content management options. Our goals will be to provide best practices and techniques on how to effectively manage the content migration process. This webinar is symbolic of Mediacurrent's ongoing commitment to further evangelize Drupal. In the last few months, we have released a white paper, wrote a case study that appeared on, and are the lead organizers for the largest Drupalcamp to date in the Southeast USA. We will elaborate later, but we are ecstatic as well about joining the Magazine Publishers Association (MPA) as an associate member, and re-affirms our belief that in order for Drupal to grow we must directly inhabit niche verticals to better understand their needs. Finally, there will be a Q&A part of the webinar, but if you would like us to cover anything in particular, please include a comment below and we'll do our best to fit it in.