Hi Jay!  What's your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?   

My role with Mediacurrent is Director of Development. I work with Kevin Basarab to improve processes and manage the Development team. I also enjoy still working as the lead on many of our Drupal projects.

Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.

I have been working with Mediacurrent for 7 years now. Before I came to Mediacurrent, I worked for Arkansas.gov for 3 years. During my time there I built mostly PHP applications, but did a fair bit of Drupal on the side. I also spent 2 years in China where I taught English.

How did you first get involved with Drupal?

I first started looking into Drupal when I was living in China and doing freelance work on the side. I really wanted a content management system that allowed clients to manage their own content (radical idea I know). Drupal 4.6 was out at the time and I was sold on it pretty quick.

What’s your proudest moment at Mediacurrent so far?

My proudest moment was probably my involvement with the Major Sports League ™project because I was able to work on my favorite team’s website (which fueled a playoff run I think). I had a lot of fun with that build.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy most?

One aspect I enjoy about my role is thinking of ways to improve our business. We have a great company but I get a lot of satisfaction in thinking of improvements and then executing on those ideas.

Any mobile apps that you use regularly?

Feedly, Spotify and Amazon are probably my favorite phone apps.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time with my young kids, learning guitar, and playing my NBA2K game infinity seasons in a row as the Dallas Mavericks.

What do you like about Mediacurrent?

I really enjoy working with such a fantastic team. We have a great group of talented people at Mediacurrent and it’s very satisfying and rewarding to work with this team every day.
