1.  So Dustin, what's your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

I am part of the creative team. I create graphics, wireframes and mockups for both clients and internal initiatives. I am also a themer, so I will take those designs and implement them into the theme layer.

2.  We're so glad to have you!  Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here. 

My background is varied. I have worked for the Boys & Girls club, doing IT stuff for 7 years. In parallel, I built static websites here and there. I started getting more serious about web design when I discovered Drupal. After putting together a few Drupal sites, I started realizing that I wanted to focus on the creative side of web design. I left my IT job and went back to college for a few years and studied design. With my design skills and experience with Drupal, I was able to do a couple volunteer projects that led me to Mediacurrent. I've been working at Mediacurrent for 2 years and love it. 

3.  How did you first get involved with Drupal? 

I started playing around with Drupal 5-6 years ago and created a few sites here and there. After attending Drupalcon in Chicago, I started getting connected more to the community. I was able to give back by helping Florida Drupal Group with design related materials. I was also afforded the opportunity to volunteer and design the Drupalcamp Atlanta site. Very proud of those efforts.

4.  Is there a go-to Drupal module that you like to incorporate whenever possible?


5.  Do you have any recommended reading or books that you would suggest to others? 

Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug is a classic.

6.  Any mobile apps that you use regularly?

  • “Alien Blue” reddit app.
  • Flipboard

7.  What do you like to do in your spare time? 

I’m big into Virtual Reality … the kind you put a headset on and immerse yourself into another world. I use an Oculus Rift and test/try/play a variety experience including games. I particularly enjoy the social part of VR, which is basically meeting new developers and folks in a virtual space. It is a ton of fun. 

8.  What do you like about Mediacurrent? 

Mediacurrent is awesome. There are many reasons I love this place. One of the most important is how kind and accommodating the people are here. The culture is one of caring and that goes a long way for me.