The release of Apple’s new iPad 3 is a reminder of how quickly the Internet is evolving. In a few short years, smartphones, tablets like the iPad, and e-readers like the Kindle Fire have remade the web as a leaner, more nimble, social cloud.

Drupal has always been a leader in social networking, and the Drupal community does a great job of keeping up with the latest web developments. Drupal founder Dries Buytaert saw the mobile “writing on the wall” over a year ago at Drupalcon Chicago, when he announced the Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative. Things have accelerated since then, challenging the community to keep up.

That’s why Mediacurrent is publishing a new white paper, “Drupal and the Mobile Web.” Developers don’t need to wait for Drupal 8 to take part in the new mobile paradigm. A lot of progress has already been made with Drupal 7, especially with regards to Responsive Web Design.

This white paper focuses on the available options for developers who want to leverage their Drupal expertise for mobile devices. It covers the four main approaches to mobile web design:

  • native apps
  • gateways
  • hybrid solutions
  • responsive themes

As a Drupal evangelist and published author, I’m reminded by Apple's announcement that the publishing industry will never be the same again. We are no longer pulp and paper authors. We are content delivery specialists. The convenience of mobile content delivery offers expanded opportunities for authors, corporations, and organizations to share their message in new and innovative ways.

Luckily for me, the Drupal community is perfectly poised to take advantage of this rapid evolution, and I’ve already begun to take advantage of Drupal’s flexible architecture to redesign my author website so that it will look its best on Kindles and iPads.

Mediacurrent hopes this white paper will help your organization craft a viable mobile strategy, using the most powerful CMS available: Drupal!

Download "Drupal and the Mobile Web."

Additional Resources:

Going Mobile with Drupal | Mediacurrent Blog Post

The Drupal Maintenance Challenge and How to Manage It | Mediacurrent Blog Post