Much Ado About Mobilegeddon

Unless you've been living under a marketing rock, you've heard all about Google's latest update that rolled out yesterday, quickly dubbed “Mobilegeddon” by the blogosphere. From now on, mobile friendly design will be a key component of mobile search rankings. This means that if your site isn't easily accessible across all screens, you could see a decline in rankings and, ultimately, web traffic.

Using Sass Breakpoints Effectively

There have been plenty of blog posts touting the reasons to use Sass as a CSS preprocessor, and if you've been doing responsive design for a while, you're probably already using the Breakpoint gem with Sass. But there are many ways to use both of these tools, so let's talk about using breakpoints effectively. 

Start with the small screen first, then expand until it looks like sh*t. Time for a breakpoint!
- Stephen Hay.

More Mobile Menu Options

There are a lot of ways to handle navigation in general, because “best practices” for mobile are still being sorted out. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution because everyone has different needs for their site, and their menus are organized differently.

Josh Clark, Keynote Speaker for Drupalcamp Atlanta, Discusses Mobile Design

Today consumers regularly, if not exclusively, access online content on their mobile device. What does that mean for businesses? Where does mobile fit into your digital interface?

Yesterday I had the chance to chat with Josh Clark, Keynote Speaker for the Atlanta Drupal Business Summit and Drupalcamp Atlanta. Josh specializes in mobile design, strategy, and user experience.

In this interview, Josh previews his talks for both events and answers questions about mobile strategy and design such as:

Webinar: The Omega 3.x Theme

The Omega 3.x Drupal 7 Base Theme is a highly configurable HTML5/960 grid base theme that uses built-in media queries to make the site responsive. Each zone (group of regions) can be configured for content-first layouts, that resize and rearrange themselves depending on the screen size of the user's device.

The presentation will walk-through the theory behind Omega's mobile-first approach, how to use the many configuration options on the theme settings page, and pitfalls to avoid.

Experience level: Intermediate

Mediacurrent Releases New Whitepaper: The Mobile Web with Drupal

The release of Apple’s new iPad 3 is a reminder of how quickly the Internet is evolving. In a few short years, smartphones, tablets like the iPad, and e-readers like the Kindle Fire have remade the web as a leaner, more nimble, social cloud.

Drupal has always been a leader in social networking, and the Drupal community does a great job of keeping up with the latest web developments. Drupal founder Dries Buytaert saw the mobile “writing on the wall” over a year ago at Drupalcon Chicago, when he announced the Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative. Things have accelerated since then, challenging the community to keep up.