Mediacurrent Dropcast: Episode 11

This episode we prattle on for quite some time. We go over the results from The Weekly Drop’s customer survey, talk about multi-site Drupal and the Paragraph and Inline Entity Form modules in the Pro Project Pick. As always we review some of Mediacurrent's great blog posts, review the latest Drupal 8 News, and stagger home with the Final(ish) Bell.

Mediacurrent Dropcast: Episode 10

This episode we have Mario Hernandez, front end developer at Mediacurrent, to talk about his upcoming talks at DrupalCamp LA, and how to properly plan for giving a presentation. We talk about the smart_trim module in our Pro Project Pick, which is an awesome module. We talk about Drupal 8 news and as always, birthday boy Ryan, brings it home with the Final Bell. Also, Mark starts his run for President of these United States.

Mediacurrent Dropcast: Episode 9

This episode we have our first non-Mediacurrent employee as a guest. Tim Plunkett, comes on to the show to talk about Drupal 8 and its current state. Ain’t that great? We also talk about the ongoing battle between Drush and Composer for building projects, discuss the Commerce Kickstart distribution, and argue about the names of our segments. Mark has more Drupal 8 News and Ryan, as always, brings the show to a grinding halt with The Final Bell.

Mediacurrent Dropcast: Episode 8

This episode we welcome Shellie Hutchens, Mediacurrent’s Marketing Director, to talk about upcoming webinars and and the fact that Mediacurrent is hiring. Ryan picked Stage File Proxy as the Module of the Now. We discuss our first non-drupal article from Four Kitchens about Saucier (pronunciation TBD). Mark stumbles through some D8 News and of course we finish off with some great conversation during Ryan’s Final Bell.