No Bob this week but we soldier on in this week's episode.

Episode 2 Audio Download Link


Show Notes


"Team Kool-aid" members and their handles: Mark Casis (markie), Ryan Gibson (ryanissamson), Jay Callicott (drupalninja99), Jason Want (jasonawant)

Show Updates

Mark is working on a feed aggregator, should be out soon.

Mediacurrent Blog Mentions


Article 1

DrupalCon Latin America 2015: Keynote by Larry Garfield
Jay summarizes the highlight's of Larry Garfield's great Drupal 8 presentation.


Article 2

Panels, Blocks, Layouts, and Drupal 8
Jason talks us through whatever happened to the Layouts module in Drupal 8.


This week in Drupal 8

Mark shares some of the recent happenings in Drupal 8 and the group discusses.

Related Links:


Thunderdome (Last Thoughts).

As usual, Ryan takes us home with some final notes.

Go to contrib module (that you don’t maintain):