Supplying Thumbnails to your Headless Drupal Front End

The Drupal 8 dev team decided to include the REST module in core because of the growing movement towards decoupled architecture, which we often refer to as “Headless Drupal.” Along these lines, entities have built in REST support, and furthermore it is extremely simple to expose custom lists of entities as REST resources by using the Views module REST display type. Drupal 8 is thoroughly headless-ready.

Pro Tip: How to Write Conditional CSS for IE10 and 11

While working on recent Drupal projects, I learned that Internet 10 and 11 (IE10-11) no longer support IE conditional comments. Conditional comments allow us to target specific versions or version ranges of IE to correct bugs or inconsitentices that normally are not present on other browsers. Typically for IE9 and below, we have been able to write conditional css by using something like this:

Responsive Images in D8

A few months ago I wrote about how combining the picture element module with the breakpoints module can help you manage images in a responsive Drupal 7 website more efficiently. As a follow up, I wanted to write about how Responsive Images has evolved within the Drupal ecosystem. This time however, the focus will be on Drupal 8— though most of what I will cover also applies to Drupal 7 with some minor differences.

How To Do A Combined Name Search

Recently I developed some functionality for a client that I realized might be useful to the greater Drupal community. This post describes how to set up a combined fields filter in Views to allow searching for terms and matching more than one field.

Let’s say you have a single search box and you want to be able to match more than one field, in this case, a user’s first, or preferred name (both different fields on the user entity). Using a view with exposed filters to show the results, we can use combined filters to make this possible.