Adding Custom Styles and Classes to Your WYSIWYG

More and more these days, we need to add custom styles to content that the user enters. This can be a challenge for front end developers as we don't know how the information will be entered and have less control over the structure. One thing we can do to help content editors is to provide them with classes and styles based on these classes that they can add in the WYSIWYG.

As this is not a how to set up a WYSIWYG tutorial, I will just state that we use CKEditor.

Once CKEditor is installed, you can begin configuring it and adding your own styles and functionality.

A Comparison of D7 Image Caption Methods using WYSIWYG

I recently had the opportunity to explore popular methods of adding captions to images inside the WYSIWYG editor using the setup of WYSIWYG module with CKEditor library. Our two main criteria were Media module integration and a styled caption in the WYSIWYG editor. As I discovered, we couldn’t have both without custom coding which the budget didn’t allow for. Media module integration won out and the File Entity with View Modes method was chosen. 

The modules/methods I reviewed were: