Each month, we spotlight one of our amazing team members who work hard to bring you great results. Today, we interviewed Justin Rent from our development team. Let's get started!

Justin Rent headshot

1. What’s your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

I’ve been at Mediacurrent for just about 3 years. I started on our design team as a UI/UX designer and last year formally transitioned to the development team as a front end developer. Combining both practices allows me to ensure that sites not only work great but look great at the same time. I really enjoy working closely with clients to make their products and projects the best they can be.

2. Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.

I’ve always been interested in design as applied to technology. Once I was exposed to the world of Drupal it was impossible to try and learn something about it without running in to something published by Mediacurrent in a Google search, so the name was familiar. Then, a former colleague, Eric Huffman, joined, and I started to meet others through meetups. Before I knew it I was flying back down to Atlanta to visit HQ for onboarding and the rest is history!

3. How did you first get involved with Drupal?

I was first exposed to Drupal while working for Georgia Tech’s central marketing and communications department—Institute Communications. During my tenure, the Institute began a top-level web redesign and rebranding project, and Drupal 7 was selected as the CMS to be adopted. It is all uphill from there!

4. Is there a go-to Drupal module that you like to incorporate whenever possible?

Not a module, but the Mediacurrent theme generator is an incredible tool for kicking off a custom Drupal 8 theme with all the necessary tools, a Pattern Lab style guide, and a number of common components.

5. Do you have any recommended reading or books that you would suggest to others?

My favorite front end dev-getting-started book is Learning Web Design (5th edition, currently) by Jennifer Niederst Robbins. Any and all designers should study this book whether or not your career path involves web development or not. It is also a good for experienced developers as it really breaks down the essentials of modern HTML, CSS, and a bit of Javascript.

Beyond that, the A Book Apart series is phenomenal for anyone looking to pick up some hot skills or refine a skill they already have. Short, to the point, and written by a cast of industry leaders.

I’d probably be remiss to not mention Brad Frost’s Atomic Design as well. This theory has had a tremendous impact on the front end world and is a nice, quick read.

6. Any mobile apps that you use regularly?

I recently purchased an Apple Watch (using my tech stipend benefit!) and have been much more interested in the fitness tracking apps than I assumed I would be. Tracking my daily routines with the Activity app (close those rings!) and using Nike Run Club to track my daily run distances, times, splits, etc. has been fun and a good way to focus my efforts. I must say, I really enjoy the data visualization of the Activity app.

On the iPad Pro with the Pencil, Procreate is the best app there is.

7. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spend time outdoors, away from technology. :) I’m fortunate to live in a region of the country that I absolutely love and have incredible access to some of the most beautiful places. My wife, Karen, is an Environmental Educator and takes our family on some amazing adventures. In the winter I ski as much as I possibly can.

Justin Rent and his family hiking

8. What do you like about Mediacurrent?

The people. We have an incredibly talented, driven, and collaborative team that is, from my experience, void of big egos that can often be found in the tech industry. We work together to do the best work possible and are committed to helping each other learn and grow along the way.