Hi Mario!

Thanks for letting us get to know more about you! Let's get started!

1. What’s your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

I am a Senior Front-End Developer which means I get to work on the visual layer of a website to achieve great aesthetic and user experience.

2. Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.

I started in tech support for a small insurance company and in 1999 (wow that sounds ages away), I started working for Federal Government in Los Angeles.  That’s where I officially became a web developer after it was only a hobby of mine.

3. How did you first get involved with Drupal?

Sometime around 2007 I was given the challenge to pick a platform to build an Emergency Preparedness Website for the Federal Government.  After a lot of research and looking at some of the most popular CMS’ I was introduced to Drupal and I have been working with it since. Drupal became the default choice for future web apps.

4. Is there a go-to Drupal module that you like to incorporate whenever possible?

There are a handful of modules I use on every project:  Devel is the first one I download and install for theming or front-end development.  In addition, Stage_file_proxy is another one of my favorites.

5. Do you have any recommended reading or books that you would suggest to others?

For reading I think the Mediacurrent blog has tons of resources, information and great tutorials.  Being a front-end developer I can recommend books such as Responsive Design, Practical SVG and JavaScript for Web Designers.

6. Any mobile apps that you use regularly?

Twitter is one that I constantly use.  PhotoScan is one app I recently discovered which is really great for turning old photo prints into great digital photos.  I also feel lost without Waze (pun intended).  Finally, for managing personal projects I use Asana and Evernote heavily.

7. What do you like to do in your spare time?

My favorite thing to do in my spare time is to watch or attend sporting events with my son Diego who is 12 years old.  We both share the same passion for sports and I love nothing more than sitting on the couch with him on weekends and discussing sports. Or as we often do, attend his games and watch him play. I love taking him to live games such as USC, LA Clippers, LA Lakers, and hopefully soon the LA Rams or LA Chargers.  

On weekends, especially evenings, I love hanging out with my wife and binge watching the latest cool stuff out there. I can’t forget mentioning playing barbies with my baby girl Valentina who is 6 years old.

8. What do you like about Mediacurrent?

It’s hard to answer this question without sounding cliche. By far the one thing I love the most about Mediacurrent is the people. I have never worked with such talented, kind and genuinely helpful people.  I also love the projects we work on.  In less than 3 years I have had the opportunity to work on some of the most recognized brands and become a better developer.  Finally, I truly love working from home.  I get to spend time with my family and see my kids grow day by day.  It’s the best!!

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