Selected sessions for Drupalcon Nashville have just been announced! Mediacurrrent will be presenting seven sessions and hosting a training workshop. 

From exploring new horizons in decoupled Drupal to fresh perspectives on improving editorial UX and achieving GDPR compliance, check out what the Mediacurrent team has in store for Drupalcon 2018:'s Project Moonracer - Decoupled User Interfaces

Speakers: Matt Davis, Director of Emerging Technology at Mediacurrent and Jeremy Dickens, Senior Drupal Developer at The Weather Company / IBM
Session Track: Horizons

During the course of an ongoing decoupling project for, the team found that the lack of page configurability was a distinct pain point for site administrators and product owners. To meet this challenge, the team built Project Moonracer, a Drupal 8-based solution that allowed for the direct modification of page configuration on a completely decoupled front-end by developing a unique set of data models to move page configuration back into the hands of the site owners.  


  • Gain a greater understanding of the decoupled UI problem space as a whole
  • See specific API and UI considerations and lessons learned from our experience
  • Catch a glimpse into some possible futures of editorial interfaces in an increasingly decoupled world

Cracking the Shell: Command-Line for the Drupaler

Speaker: Bob Kepford, Lead Drupal Architect at Mediacurrent
Session Track: Back End Development 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could type one command that booted your vagrant box, started displaying watchdog logs, set up the correct Drush alias, and provided easy access to your remote servers? Or maybe you use tools like Grunt, Gulp, or Sass. What if you could launch all of your tools for a project with one command? In this session, attendees will see how to use the terminal every day to get work done efficiently and effectively

You’ll learn:

  • How to use free command line applications to get work done.
  • How to better use the command line tools you already know.
  • How to customize your command line to behave the way you want it to. I guarantee attendees will walk away with at least one new tip, trick, or tool.

Top Drupal 8 Modules: A scenic tour through the best of Drupal in 2018

Speaker: Jay Callicott, VP of Technical Operations at Mediacurrent 
Session Track: Site Building 

If you have ever googled to find “top Drupal modules” you probably have read Mediacurrent’s popular, long-running blog series on the top modules for Drupal, authored by our own Jay Callicott. In this session, follow him on a leisurely stroll through the best modules that Drupal 8 has to offer as Jay presents an updated list of his top picks. Like a guided tour of the Italian countryside, you can sit back and enjoy as your guide discusses the benefits of each module. By the end of this session, you will have been introduced to at least a few modules that will challenge the boundaries of your next project.

Think your Website is GDPR Compliant? Think Again!

Speakers: Mediacurrent's Dawn Aly, VP of Digital Strategy and Mark Shropshire, Open Source Security Lead
Session Track: Business

Data security legislation like the GDPR (enforcement begins May 28th, 2018) allows users to control how and if their personal data is used by companies. This shift in control fundamentally changes how companies can collect, store, and use information about prospects and customers. While understanding and implementing privacy related regulation in web projects is a necessity, related knowledge and skill sets become a real business differentiator and a key part of a user’s privacy experience (PX).

Key Topics:

  • Practical interpretation of the GDPR 
  • How to determine if you are at risk for compliance 
  • Repeatable process for assessing security risks in Drupal websites 
  • Security by design
  • Impact to data, analytics, and personalization strategies 

Shifting UX to the Editorial Experience

Speakers: Kevin Basarab, Director of Development at Mediacurrent and Mike Priscella, Engineering Manager at Thrillist/ Group Nine Media. 
Session Track: Ambitious Digital Experiences 

In this session, we'll dive into how Group Nine Media (parent company of,, and others) are evolving the Drupal 8 editorial user experience and contributing that back to the community. We'll not only look into their use case but also explore what modules and options are out there for improving editorial UX without custom development work.

  • How is design/UX reversing to focus on the editorial experience?
  • What contrib modules currently enhance the editorial experience?
  • How can a better editorial experience be beneficial to your client? 

Out of the Box Initiative 

Speakers: Mediacurrent Senior Front End Developer Mario Hernandez; Cristina Chumillas, Designer and Frontend Developer at Ymbra; Lauri Eskola, Drupal Developer at Druid Oy
Session Track: Core Conversations 

The Out-of-the-Box initiative team is working on improving the first-time user experience of Drupal. The team is creating a new installation profile with the main goal of demonstrating how powerful Drupal is for creating beautiful websites for real life use cases.

The alpha version for The Out of the Box initiative has been committed to Drupal 8.6.x. But, what is it and what will it bring to core?

Community Convos: Camp Organizing

Speakers: A panel of community organizers, including Mediacurrent Senior Developer April Sides 
Session Track: Building Community

This conversation is a space for camp organizers (and attendees) to discuss all things event planning, from venue selection and budgeting to session programming and swag. 

Training: Component-Based Development using UI_Patterns

Training Presenters: Mediacurrent Senior Front End Developers Mario Hernandez and Eric Huffman

With the component-based approach becoming the standard for Drupal 8 theming, we’re beginning to see some slick front end environments show up in Drupal themes. The promise that talented front enders with little Drupal knowledge can jump right in is much closer to reality.  However, before diving into this new front end bliss there are still some gotchas, plus lots of baked in goodies Drupal provides that one will need to have a handle on before getting started.

This training will focus on the UI_Patterns module, which although still in Release Candidate state, it already solves many problems originated from the Drupal integration process.

Additional Resources
Drupalcon Baltimore 2017 - SEO, I18N, and I18N SEO| Blog 
Drupalcon: Not Just for Developers| Blog 
The Real Value of Drupalcon | Blog