It has been an interesting week since I wrote part 1 of this blog series. For one, more people have been talking about the <picture> element and that is a good thing because the more we talk about it the more attention is brought to an issue that is due for best practices and standards. Second, more people are experimenting with the <picture> element and this is also good because the more input and feedback we get the better at determining whether this is the way to go or we should move on to something else.

In part one of this blog series the focus was to explain what the <picture> element is and the theory behind it, for part two I have put together a screencast that goes into detail about using the Picture Module in a Drupal 7 website.

Note:  As previously indicated, the <picture> element is still under consideration as the technique for responsive images. Since I wrote this blog series two articles have surfaced with a very interesting point of view. The argument is that the <picture> element should only be used when trying to achieve art direction in your website. They go on to recommending to simply use the <img> tag with the srcset attribute. Take a look for yourself.
I’d be interested in knowing what your thoughts are on these blog post so please post your feedback in the comments section. Thanks.

Enough said, go watch the screencast.