Hi Josh!  Thanks for letting us get to know more about you! Let's get started! 

1. What’s your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

There are so many layers to anyone’s career in web development and digital strategy, but if I had to boil it down, I would say my role is one of a problem solver.  I try to use my experience, integrity and good judgment to help those around me make their mark and achieve success with their individual goals or projects (clients, prospects and colleagues alike).

2. Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.

Earlier in my career I was the Director of Marketing for a financial services firm and was given the assignment to fix and promote my first website (Spring of 1998).  In the early days of the Web, most everything we did was heavily customized, which was great because we were inventing things, but customization simply doesn’t scale.  I ran into problems when a project required more than one complex feature.  Imagine how happy I was when I learned I had Drupal, and Drupal’s modules, at my disposal to solve problems! Let’s just say I never looked back.

3. How did you first get involved with Drupal?

A project that I was working-on required a sophisticated CMS solution, so we performed a competitive analysis of Drupal against several other options, such as Adobe products and Wordpress.  Drupal won out.  From there I never saw the point in using any other technology since I, and the clients I worked with, had so much success with it.

4. Is there a go-to Drupal module that you like to incorporate whenever possible?

I would say it is more of a “hope to have this module soon” question.  Large-scale eCommerce applications, Personalization, CRM and PIMS solutions are filling a need in the market right now and we could use more strategy and predictability around those types of integrations and content solutions.

5. Do you have any recommended reading or books that you would suggest to others?

I am more of audio and video-based learner.  SBI TV is one I’m rather hooked on at the moment (Sales and Marketing focused). It’s very well done and I always come away with something that I can apply to my work that very same day.

6. Any mobile apps that you use regularly?

Youtube, Uber, ESPN, IMDB, Square Cash

7. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy working out, playing music, cooking and believe it or not, cleaning my pool and balancing the water week to week.

8. What do you like about Mediacurrent?

Where do I start? It’s the type of company you want to jump out of bed in the morning and work for so I want to say “everything.”  More specifically though, the culture, the high standards we set for ourselves and our clients, and the open door policy are truly unique and hard to find.

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