Matt Davis headshotFrom his sessions on Next-Level Drupal: Applied Progressive Decoupling With JavaScript at Drupalcon New Orleans and Php[world] 2016 to a webinar co-presented with Acquia and a recent blog series, Mediacurrent's Lead Drupal Architect Matt Davis has challenged the way we think about decoupled Drupal.

Now,in the December issue of php[architect] magazine, Matt takes a deeper dive into the subject in his feature article Decoupled Blocks with Drupal 8 and JavaScript Frameworks.

The idea for Decoupled Blocks sprung from a progressive decoupling model developed by Mediacurrent and The Weather Company, an IBM Business. Decoupled Blocks is a JavaScript-framework-agnostic decoupling tool for Drupal 8. It allows blocks to be written in the javascript framework of your choice, without needing to know any Drupal API’s. It also puts forward a blueprint for decoupling PHP-based sites for rendering by JavaScript components, regardless of your PHP system.

The ongoing JavaScript renaissance is changing the web, and it is affecting the PHP development ecosystem in big ways. The days of sprucing up your UX with a few lines of jQuery are largely behind us, and the gaining popularity of fully decoupled architectures may mean PHP teams are only getting half of the build projects.

Of course, that’s just part of the story, and the reality is PHP isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. A talented PHP developer looking to build the best possible experience for their users will inevitably end up looking at ways to integrate these two technologies sooner or later."

-A snippet from Matt’s Decoupled Blocks with Drupal 8 and JavaScript Frameworks article summary.

To read the complete article, check out this month’s issue of php[architect] magazine.

*Note: This article requires a subscription to read the full-text. 
