[Webinar] Decoupled Drupal and Gatsby in the Real World

Drupal and Gatsby are a proven power couple for decoupled websites, offering incredible flexibility, security, and performance. At Mediacurrent, we’ve refined our decoupled approach through real-world experience, starting as early adopters on our own site.

In this webinar, we'll explore tips, pros and cons, and our lessons learned from a first-hand Drupal/Gatsby case study.

Mediacurrent Joins the Netlify Agency Partner Program

Mediacurrent is at the forefront of what’s next for the future of decoupling Drupal. We’re excited to team with Netlify to bring the modern Jamstack architecture to customers for better performing websites and web applications. By joining the Netlify Agency Partner Program, together we’re continuing our commitment to deliver transformative digital experiences to customers and run web projects at a global scale.

A Recipe for an Embedded React Component in Drupal

Today, Drupal developers must acknowledge that when building a rich, stateful user-facing interface, it is best to use a modern JavaScript framework. Although less framework-driven JavaScript approaches like vanilla JavaScript and jQuery were good enough for many years, I have started to realize that my criteria for whether a piece of UX “should use a framework” has gotten pretty darn low.

Fortunately, even if Drupal is serving your site’s pages, it is possible to make use of React to build components. Some people refer to this method as “progressive decoupling.”

A Project Manager Walks into Decoupled Dev Days

No, this is not a joke.

Decoupled Developer Days took place in New York City on August 19th and 20th and was hosted by NBCUniversal at 30 Rock in the heart of Rockefeller Plaza.

This was a first time event. Mediacurrent was a Gold Sponsor and several colleagues were going to be in attendance including Co-Lead Organizer Matt Davis with whom I’m currently working with on a client project.

The 3 C's + the 1 D of Drupal: Why Decoupled Matters

Whether you are a Digital Marketer looking to adopt open source and Drupal for the first time, or an Engineer, Strategist, or Project Manager assigned to a Drupal project, it’s critical that you define your approach to the “3 C's" of Drupal: Core, Contrib, and Custom. This decision directly impacts the performance, scalability, and maintenance of the websites and/or other digital assets that you are powering with Drupal.