Writing CSS is easy. Writing CSS that can scale and can be easily maintained is not.

At DrupalCamp Atlanta 2015, I presented a session on how to achieve next-level CSS. My presentation focused on techniques and best practices for writing scalable, maintainable CSS. 

Check out this video of my session "Leveling up CSS with SMACSS and BEM" that explores:

  • Using SMACSS and BEM with Drupal

  • Lessons learned (the hard way)

  • Theme architecture

  • Refactoring current or inherited projects to be less awful

Slides ( PDF ): https://goo.gl/QucGJB
Just the links: https://goo.gl/QDTPl1

Additional Resources 
Techniques for Successfully Co-Theming with Others | Blog 
Cleaner and Semantic Markup with Drupal's Views | Blog 
Converting a Drupal 7 Theme from CSS to SASS | Blog