With many members of staff on vacation for part of the month, and with some projects under crunch to finish off, August was a little light for contributions. That said, I think we made some good progress for the work we did do.

Client sponsored work

Some limited but good work was sponsored this month by some of our clients:

Self-directed contributions

We had a low total this month for our Mediacurrent-sponsored contrib time, a total of just over thirty hours. A few notable items from this were:

There were also a couple of good module releases this month:


Asheville, North Carolina, held its fifth DrupalCamp and Mediacurrent’s gang were out in full force. Matt Davis and Stuart Broz helped organize it, and Stuart got things started with training on Friday. Then on Saturday several folks gave presentations - Mark gave one about patching your site the right way, Derek DeRaps gave one about Drupal 8 & Symfony, Matt Davis introduced the Asheville group to the Weather.com presentation framework, and Zach Hawkins gave one about advanced CSS techniques using SMACSS and BEM.

Roll on September!

As we step into fall we’ll be hoping to pick up a little momentum around our contributions again – look for more bug fixing, more releases, and possibly inertia picking up again on our D8 module ports. Lastly, if you happen to be at NERDSummit on September 12 you'll find me giving a presentation about open source.

See you in the 'queues!

Additional Resources
Drupal Camp Asheville 2015 | Mediacurrent Blog Post
Contrib Committee Review, July 2015 | Mediacurrent Blog Post
Contrib First | Mediacurrent Video