In May 2015, Manhattan Associates teamed with Mediacurrent to launch one of the world’s first Drupal 8 enterprise websites.

In this webinar, presented by Mediacurrent's Director of Client Services, James Rutherford and Acquia's Sr. Director of Digital Experiences, David Aponovich, we explore the drivers that led Manhattan Associates to adopt Drupal 8.

You'll also learn:

  • How Drupal 8 plays a role in paving the future for business and IT leaders
  • Key Drupal 8 components implemented (e.g., Drupal 8 Responsive and Twig)
  • Lessons learned and challenges overcome while planning and implementing the site
  • What to consider when evaluating Drupal 8 for your business

View the Webinar

Additional Resources
Drupal 8 Success Story: Manhattan Associates | SlideShare Presentation 
Real World Drupal 8 For Front-End Developers | Blog Series
Powerful Ways to Extend and Develop Drupal 8 | Blog Series 
Leading the Way on Drupal 8: Lessons Learned from Manhattan Associates Redesign | Blog Series 

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