Cleaner and Semantic markup with Drupal’s views

Good markup matters. As a front-end developer, I interact with Drupal’s markup on a daily basis and I experience first-hand the benefits of good markup and the frustration of poor markup. A lot of the content on a Drupal website is produced by views. Whether they are out of the box or custom views, they are powerful and present us with great opportunities to manipulate the content and markup. Today I will walk you through a simple example on producing cleaner and semantic markup using views.

Webinar: Drupal Modules: Display Suite, Context, Views, & Panels

Learn how to use the tools the experts are using!

This webinar teaches how to utilize several of Drupal's most powerful site-building modules to build out Drupal websites.

In this webinar, Jay goes through each of these modules in-depth, using real-world project walk-throughs. This is not just a how-to on the mechanics of installing and using module 'X'. Instead we will be to answering the question "'Why should I use this module?"

We will cover the following topics: