Friday 5: 5 Questions to Get Your Designs Past Large Review Boards

TGIF! The Friday 5 is back with our first episode of 2017! 

This week we welcome back Creative Director Dante Taylor, who answers 5 Questions to Get Your Designs Past Large Review Boards.

He discusses some key points to consider when presenting your creative designs. Watch the video to learn about what clients want in a boardroom setting, how designs should be presented, a few golden rules when presenting, and more!

Friday 5: 5 Tips to Building a Creative Team

We made it to the finish line of another busy work week!

Thanks for joining us for the sixth episode of The Mediacurrent Friday 5. This week, Creative Director Dante Taylor provides 5 Tips to Building a Creative Team. 

He discusses some key points to consider when working with a creative team. Watch the video to learn more about how there are no rules, putting people first, giving sandwich critiques, always keeping your door open, and trusting your teammates.

Friday 5: 5 Drupal 8 Development Tips

We hope you're having a great week! Thanks for joining us for the fifth episode of The Mediacurrent Friday 5.

This week, Drupal Developer Derek Reese gives you 5 Drupal 8 Development Tips. He provides some great tips on using a VM, manually disabling a module in D8, manually updating a module Schema in D8, Twig debugging and development, and D8 must use modules.

Watch the video below to find out more!

4 Tips for Optimizing Your YouTube Videos

Eight seconds. That’s not a whole lot of time at all. But that’s the average attention span of the typical internet user (fun fact - it’s one second less than a goldfish’s). What does that mean for us marketers? We now have even less time to engage our target audience before they scroll down their timelines and forget the messages we’ve invested countless hours on crafting. Now is the time to spend time grabbing your prospective client’s attention both visually AND audibly through your YouTube channel.