A Guide to Drupal Terminology

Getting started in Drupal can be daunting. The first hurdle most people encounter is the terminology Drupal uses. Some terms may be completely unfamiliar while others have a different meaning depending on the context. The faster you learn to understand and speak Drupaleze, the easier it will be to communicate with other Drupal developers more effectively. To that end, here are a list of terms commonly used in the Drupal world:

Drupal on the Bayou Recap

Drupal on the Bayou has come to a close, and it was a fun couple of days. This was the smallest Drupal event I've been to, but every dynamic has its advantages. Maybe it's my own personal perception, but I felt as if the small size made everyone much more approachable. Everything was a bit more relaxed and informal, but that made it feel that much more cozy.

I met some great folks from the New Orleans area and elsewhere and learned quite a lot. Here's my recap: