How to Secure Your Website: An Intro to Drupal Security

Is Drupal’s open source platform secure?

When deciding on the best CMS to meet your organization’s digital vision, security is often one of the top concerns. 

Here’s the reality. ALL software (closed source, open source, or custom-developed) has the potential for security vulnerabilities. Web security is a fast and ever-changing world. What passes today as secure code may not stay the same tomorrow when new vulnerabilities surface.

Security by Design - An Introduction to Drupal Security [Webinar Recap]

With cybercrime on the rise, securing data in Drupal has become a hot topic for developers and project stakeholders alike.

In our latest webinar, we were joined by three Drupal security experts from Townsend Security, Lockr and Mediacurrent who shared their approach for building a secure groundwork to protect site data in Drupal.

Top 4 Takeaways 

1. An introduction to  "security by design" and how businesses should be thinking about security.  

2. The right tools to conduct a site security audit. 

What Does the Equifax Hack Mean for Open Source Security?

Although the most likely cause of the massive Equifax data breach was the firm’s own failure to patch a two-month-old bug, the inherent security of open source software has become a trending topic in tech news.

Mediacurrent’s resident expert, Open Source Security Lead Mark Shropshire, is well-informed to join the conversation. We asked him a few questions to get his take on recent events.

Guardr for Drupal 8: Meeting Enterprise Security Requirements

What is Guardr?

Guardr is a Drupal distribution with a combination of modules and settings to enhance a Drupal application's security and availability to meet enterprise security requirements. These security requirements have been added after a review and study of industry best practices from security standards, regulatory controls, and security certifications. These include but are not limited to: