Build your QA Department: Laying a Foundation

With 15 years of experience in the Information Technology field and 10 of those years focused on leadership, I’ve learned first hand the value of investing in people and setting them up for success. Before joining Mediacurrent, I started a QA department from scratch and grew it to its current size. Prior to that, I built an IT team. If you're an incoming leader, here's how to start building your own QA/IT department.

Webinar: 5 Easy Ways to QA Your Site

Quality Assurance is usually a scary term but it doesn't have to be. In this previously recorded webinar, I'll walk you through five easy steps you can do (and tools you can use) to turn out a better product (web site).

This talk does tie in with Drupal but you don't have to be a Drupal expert. This session should be useful for content admins, themers, developers and just about anybody who has to work on a web site.
