The Context Data Flow Diagram: Expressing Scope Visually

Scoping is about understanding the "big picture" and understanding a project’s limits. My observation as a Business Analyst at Mediacurrent is that because project teams don't have unlimited time and money, it's important that all stakeholders understand clearly – and visually – where a project's boundaries are. Scoping ensures we, as your agency partner, know what needs to be included to deliver on the business goals and objectives within time and budget constraints.

Power your Drupal 8 Project with Docksal

Hello and welcome to my first blog post for Mediacurrent! Today’s post will be all about Docksal and how it can help you get up and running developing on Drupal 8 quickly and easily. This post was inspired by the great session I saw at DrupalCon 2017 and will explain how using Docksal will save you time getting up and running for a new Drupal development project. I’ll also talk about some of the technologies behind Docksal such as Docker and Oracle VM VirtualBox.