The Path(auto) Less Traveled

Building URL Aliases Based on Specific Conditions

Have you ever needed to generate URL aliases for an entity based on specific set of conditions? I was recently on a Drupal 8 project that needed the ability to generate custom URL aliases based on very specific criteria outlined by the client. Out of the box, Pathauto module was not flexible enough to handle the customization, but leveraging its API and providing my own hook implementation in a custom module allowed me to perform conditional checks on data and build the conditional URL structures.

Using Data-Driven Documents (D3) with Drupal

This presentation from DrupalCamp Atlanta 2015 covers a discussion on the d3.js library for an audience of site builders, themers, and developers.

Data-Driven Documents or D3 refers to a javascript library combining html, css and sag to build graphic visualizations for data. The d3.js library uses scalable vector graphics to generate charts, graphs and maps that are scalable and interactive.

Check out the session recording below. It covers: 

Top 10 Drupal Modules for Publishers

Drupal, at the heart, is a content management system (CMS) or content management framework (CMF) depending on who you ask. Out of the box the concept of publishing is built in with a content type, such as an article, plus an ability to promote items to the homepage. What modules really make Drupal shine in the everyday use of the publishing industry though? Here are ten modules that will help any Drupal publishing website.