Webinar: A Drush Aliases Primer

A drush site alias file allows you to streamline advanced drush commands and make running them against both local and remote sites a breeze. With a properly configured alias file and an SSH key you can run frequently used commands that have complex options, with a concise easily remembered "alias" on any site. This will help you be far more productive and you will find yourself using drush itself far more often.

Webinar: 5 Easy Ways to QA Your Site

Quality Assurance is usually a scary term but it doesn't have to be. In this previously recorded webinar, I'll walk you through five easy steps you can do (and tools you can use) to turn out a better product (web site).

This talk does tie in with Drupal but you don't have to be a Drupal expert. This session should be useful for content admins, themers, developers and just about anybody who has to work on a web site.


Atlanta Drupal Business Summit and Drupalcamp Scheduled for Oct 26-27

Hundreds of Drupal enthusiasts from across the nation will be coming to Atlanta's Cobb Galleria on October 26th and 27th for the 2012 Atlanta Drupal Business Summit and Drupalcamp Atlanta. Having the event at the Cobb Galleria will allow for more registrants—last year there were over 100 names on the waiting list. Help us spread the word about one of the Southeast's largest Drupalcamps!

Looking beyond the code: Drupal marketing challenges

Part of being successful with any system is knowing the strengths and weaknesses surrounding its use. As Drupal developers, we frequently immerse ourselves with the strengths; after all, the size of the community and the code it unselfishly provides to others is monumental in of itself. But with as much zeal as we throw toward the things Drupal does well, we should be providing equal focus to the areas where it needs improvement.

Especially those areas which don't involve code.