Drupal Support - Moving Forward (and Giving Back)

For your Drupal site, the launch is just the beginning. It is essential for long-term success to constantly question what more can be done to exceed your organization’s goals. In this post, we will help you understand the value of Drupal support and back to the open source community.

Why Drupal Support?

Behind every great Drupal website, there's a support plan in place for ongoing maintenance. 

How Drupal is making a difference in South Los Angeles

In the fall of 2012 while doing a talk at a local conference in Los Angeles I was approached by Oscar Menjivar, founder and CEO of Teens eXploring Technology (TxT), a non-profit organization teaching inner city teenagers from South Los Angeles about technology and leadership. Oscar was looking into Drupal as a potential technology to include in the summer coding academy his organization holds every year.