Event Organizing: What Can Drupal Learn from WordPress?

Drupal community events are a great way to meet new people, grow your skills, and expand your knowledge about all things Drupal, but there are a few improvements that community organizers can leverage from our friends at WordPress to improve the experience and share resources. Below I’ve outlined my experience as an event organizer and a few areas of opportunity for the Drupal community.

A Project Manager Walks into Decoupled Dev Days

No, this is not a joke.

Decoupled Developer Days took place in New York City on August 19th and 20th and was hosted by NBCUniversal at 30 Rock in the heart of Rockefeller Plaza.

This was a first time event. Mediacurrent was a Gold Sponsor and several colleagues were going to be in attendance including Co-Lead Organizer Matt Davis with whom I’m currently working with on a client project.

Event Recap: ROI of UX Executive Briefing with Acquia

The internet is changing the way we think, work, and play. In the second event of an executive roundtable series, we teamed up with Acquia and Lingotek to create a guide to understanding the return on investment of UX design.

The event drew attendees from nonprofit, higher ed, and large enterprise organizations in the Atlanta area for a lively discussion and Q&A. If you missed us, here’s a recap including the presentation deck and video recording.

Our “ROI of UX” presentation covered these key points: