Loading and Rendering Modal Forms in Drupal 8

Modal dialogs are great and provide a great experience for the end user - they allow for quick display of content in an overlay without navigating to another page. Getting forms to load and render properly in a modal can sometimes be a little tricky, but fortunately, it’s relatively straightforward to implement in Drupal 8.

We will be setting up a custom form containing a button that opens up another form in a modal using Drupal’s FormBuilder and AJAX API. So, let’s get started!

Gettin' Sticky With It

In this post, I'll outline a comparison of "sticky" methods to make website components stay on a page.

Sticky? What in the Sam Hill are you talking about?

I am not sure if you’ve heard, but every site needs some sticky components. At least, that seems like an on-going trend in web development. Just in case you haven’t run into this term before, sticky is the methodology of keeping a part of the site - possibly the navigation, header, or social share toolbar - from scrolling off the page, making it stick as the user scrolls down the page.

Looking beyond the code: Drupal marketing challenges

Part of being successful with any system is knowing the strengths and weaknesses surrounding its use. As Drupal developers, we frequently immerse ourselves with the strengths; after all, the size of the community and the code it unselfishly provides to others is monumental in of itself. But with as much zeal as we throw toward the things Drupal does well, we should be providing equal focus to the areas where it needs improvement.

Especially those areas which don't involve code.