The Power of Maps and Drupal 7

Maps can be a powerful tool for sharing information.

A well built map can make data and ideas accessible to people in a way that is not always easy to do in words. Most of us use maps on our phones and in our cars to help us get around. What you don’t see everyday are maps being used to share dense amounts of information in easily accessible and highly informative ways. Maps can tell a story, or help influence the way we think, even motivate us to help with a cause.

5 Tips for Drupal Newbies

The attendee list at this week’s Atlanta Drupal Meetup group ran a wide gauntlet. There was a mix of business owners, newbies, marketers, and even someone with a ID under 1000. We broke up our normal presentation format and had informal talks about Drupalcon Denver, the job market, and trends. As usual, we went around the room and allowed for introductions and announcements. When one of the attendees, we’ll call him “Jack”, was in the hot seat, he gave a typical hello, but then broke the introduction format and asked a question back to the crowd. He asked, “I’ve only been working with Drupal for a few weeks, what tips do you have for those that are just starting out?”