Mediacurrent Knows Fun

At Mediacurrent, culture is something we strive to constantly improve.  Our team is 80% virtual, so team-building (while a challenge at times) is an integral piece of the overall culture of the company.  It’s important to make those that telecommute feel like they are part of a team - they’re not alone out there!

Meet Damien McKenna


1.  So Damien, what's your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

 I’m a lead Drupal architect, which means I get to plan out the architecture of new sites. I’m also involved in estimations for potential projects, along with lots of hands-on development work.

 2.  We're so glad to have you!  Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.

Meet Peter Mallett

1. So Peter, what's your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

I am a "Drupal Developer", so I take care of site builds, writing custom modules, consulting on how to accomplish clients' goals, and a bit of theming here and there. 

2. We're so glad to have you!  Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.