Configuration Management in Drupal 8 - Part 1

Since the release of Drupal 8 in November 2015, developers and site maintainers have been coming to terms with the configuration management that is now a big part of how we support Drupal 8 sites. I took some time to learn the strategies different developers have adopted to make configuration management work for them. In reviewing the material found online, I noticed a definite progression in these strategies from the release of Drupal 8 to the time of writing this nearly two years later.

The 3 C's + the 1 D of Drupal: Why Decoupled Matters

Whether you are a Digital Marketer looking to adopt open source and Drupal for the first time, or an Engineer, Strategist, or Project Manager assigned to a Drupal project, it’s critical that you define your approach to the “3 C's" of Drupal: Core, Contrib, and Custom. This decision directly impacts the performance, scalability, and maintenance of the websites and/or other digital assets that you are powering with Drupal.