Drupal 8 - The Entity CMS

Much like previous versions of Drupal, version 8 of the CMS revolves around the concept of Entities. These are objects that have an ID, Language, Type, and Storage. Some optional properties are URLs, Bundles, and labels. They can be viewed, loaded, created, saved, and deleted, as well as have access permissions set for them. Most things in Drupal are entities, such as Users, Nodes, or Blocks. Many of the core services provide functionality for interacting with entities, and a great deal of caching functionality serves to make entities perform better.

Does Your UX Designer Design for Drupal?

The commonly discussed phrase "form follows function" is a principle of modern design. Many interactive designers follow this approach when creating a user experience because it keeps design intimately tied to the purpose of a system. Whether that system is a product dispenser, like a vending machine, or a banking software application, the interface is typically most successful when it satisfies the functions it's intended to serve.

Moving from Wordpress to Drupal

In the battle for CMS dominance, there are three main players in the Open Source space: DrupalWordpressJoomla. This blog isn’t a comparsion of the three, though there are plenty out there. What I want to focus on is all of you who have a Wordpress site and want to transition it to Drupal—easily.

We have found that there is a lot of user crossover between these platforms, Wordpress in particular. The maintainer of the Migrate module, Mike Ryan, has done great work on the Wordpress Migrate module which leverages the Migrate module to import Wordpress content into Drupal. While this module is great, it still requires Drupal users to execute several steps to be able to download and install Wordpress Migrate.