Drupalcamp Atlanta 2009 Announcement: Video Coverage of 20 Sessions Now Available!

One of the over-riding goals of the Drupalcamp Atlanta organizers was to provide as much video footage of the event as possible in order to share back to the community at large. We also heard from a lot of people that had a conflict of interest with the date, were turned away by the weather, or may have attended, and wanted to see two or more sessions that overlapped.

Drupalcon 2009 Recap

Wow, I am finishing up what has turned out to be an action-packed few days during Drupalcon 2009 in Washington D.C.  In a word the conference has been AMAZING.  In addition to myself, Chris, Derek, and Josh from Mediacurrent were here.  Most of the presentations and Birds of Feather (BoF) groups I attended were focused on the business track.  My colleagues immersed themselves in the more technical sessions.