A couple of months back, Mediacurrent sponsored DrupalCamp Atlanta 2017. At the event, our team presented 4 sessions covering topics from project management, comparing different CMS platforms, and even contrib!

Check out the sessions below!

Shifting UX to the Editorial Experience

In this session, Director of Development at Mediacurrent Kevin Basarab and Engineering Manager at Group Nine Media (parent company of Thrillist.com, TheDodo.com and others) will share how they are evolving the Drupal editorial user experience and contributing that back to the community. They take an inside look into their use case but also what modules and options are out there for improving editorial UX without custom development work.

Session Slides PDF Download

Survival Skills For Real World Project Management

We all know that with deadline pressure, technical difficulties, scope creep and team dynamics in the mix, projects can grow and evolve on a daily basis. So, how can we stop them from growing into monsters?

In this session, Chief Operating Office at Mediacurrent Jeff Diecks will review how and where to apply things like simple list-making to stay in control. He will share the daily survival skills Mediacurrent teaches to our project management team, such as:

  • How to stay organized through the power of the daily priority list
  • Ticket best practices to improve consistency
  • Speaking from data to calm nervous clients
  • And more!


Comparing CMS Platforms - A Cross Functional View

Clients need to sift through a lot of information when choosing an enterprise-level Content Management Systems (CMS) — features, functionality, cost, and more. Gartner’s most recent magic quadrant report for Web Content Management ranks Acquia/Drupal, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), and Sitecore as 2017's three leading Web CMSs. This presentation by our Senior Business Analyst Bill Shaouy compares the three CMSs from the following five perspectives:

  • Content Authoring
  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Development
  • Community


Keynote Contrib Panel

Without the hardwork and dedication of the numerous volunteers that maintain contrib modules and themes, these open source projects could not be successful. During this Keynote Contrib Panel, our Community Lead and top contrib maintainer, Damien McKenna helps answer some frequently asked questions about contributing back to Drupal.

  • So what does it take to become a maintainer?
  • Why would someone volunteer so much time?
  • What are some tips to avoid burnout?
  • How do you split your time between client and contrib work?
  • How can someone become a (co-) maintainer?

He is joined by some of Drupal’s top contrib maintainers: Jacob Rockowitz (Webforms) and Ryan Szrama (Drupal Commerce).


Additional Resources
How to Navigate Projects with Multiple Stakeholders | Video
Do Drupal and Digital Right in 2018: Know Where and How to Start | Blog
5 Metrics Indicating It's Time for a Redesign | Video