With summer in full swing here in the USA, some of us were taking some vacation time, or moving, so our contributions were a little low.

Client sponsored

Blog posts

While there wasn't much going on during the month code-wise, our team did manage to get a number of good blog posts out.


A notable group of our team attended Dinosaur JS, which has the best name of any event I've heard of; videos for all of the sessions have been posted online. We also had some folk at the Twin Cities DrupalCamp, and at Design 4 Drupal (aka D4D) Donna gave her talk on making accessibility a key part of a site's content strategy.

Several other team members were making plans to attend Drupal GovCon in July and putting together presentations, so stay tuned for more!

That's all folks!

Hope everyone has a great summer, or winter for those of a more southerly geographic persuasion, we'll see you again next time round.